Linux mint the distribution experimented and simple.

If it's the first you want try linux first time install Mint.
Why ? Because interface and installation is simple.

The systeme os is soft and you basic program installed. You can install on a lot of device the processor compatibility is very large.
And the community is big and all solution are already answers in forum if you have a question.

In resume.
Linux Mint is an operating system for desktop and laptop computers. It is designed to work 'out of the box' and comes fully equipped with the apps most people need.

My personal use is for old laptop need a fresh os that take not a lot of ressource and i can use for test try app i want.

You can create your Usb-key with the Iso mint with balenaEtcher.
-first download .Iso mint
-second "flash" a usb key with balenaEtcher
-boot on your usb-key to the pc where you want install the Linux Mint.